How to set up Golang and Cassandra DB on docker

How to set up Golang and Cassandra DB on docker

Few days ago, I was working on a side project where I was using Golang for the backend. Due to the requirements, I needed to use a NoSQL database to store data so Cassandra DB was what I picked to use.

I use wsl2 mostly for my side projects. Installing Cassandra DB on wsl was straightforward but the problem arose when I was unable to connect my go client to Cassandra DB. After spending over 24hrs to get it to work, I was unable to fix the issue of connection so I decided to use docker to run my application instead.

In this article, I will discuss how I was able to set it up on docker


  • Go module
  • How to use docker(The basic commands)
  • How to use Cassandra DB

In this article, we will create a basic go app and check the connection to Cassandra DB while running our app on docker.

STEP 1 - Set up Cassandra DB on docker.

  • Pull the Cassandra image - docker pull Cassandra


  • Run the Cassandra image - docker run -d -name cassandra_tutorial -p 9042:9042 cassandra:latest



  • We need to get the IP of the running Cassandra - docker inspect --format='{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' cassandra_tutorial

    The IP address is what we will use to connect our go client to Cassandra and execute Cqlsh.


  • To execute the cqlsh - docker run -it --link cassandra_tutorial --rm cassandra:latest \bash -c 'exec cqlsh'


Let us create a Keyspace using Cqlsh

The syntax - CREATE KEYSPACE tutorial with REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};


Now we have successfully created a keyspace

STEP 2 - Set up our project.

Our project structure project_structure.png

We will be using gocql to implement our Cassandra client

In our main.go file we will have

package main

import (

func main(){

    cluster := gocql.NewCluster("")
    cluster.Keyspace = "tutorial"
    cluster.Consistency = gocql.Quorum

    if _,err := cluster.CreateSession(); err != nil{

    fmt.Println("Connection successfull...")

The next task to do is to set up our Dockerfile

FROM golang:alpine 

RUN mkdir /app

ADD . /app


COPY go.mod go.sum ./

RUN go mod download

COPY . .

RUN go build -o main .

CMD ["/app/main"]

Now we need to build and to do that we run - docker build -t tutorial .


Our build is successful

After a successful build, we run our built image - docker run tutorial:latest


As you can see from the above image, we got a connection successful and no error was shown so this means that we have successfully connected to Cassandra


In this guide, we ran our containers separately but there is a better way to run multi-containers. To do this, we can use docker compose. Check out the documentation here.


As you can see above, using Cassandra is super easy as it integrates well with your application

Thank you for reading!!